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Attention to Detail


Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci’s attention to detail in the pursuit of perfect proportions is an understanding we at IDealogic® use to design and engineer relevant brands. We believe that no aspect of a brand should be superfluous. Each brand element should be seamlessly proportionate to the whole, both intrinsically and extrinsically.


Leonardo Da Vinci believed that humans are mathematically proportioned with clear and concise dimensions that reveal a divine connection between the human form and the universe. While constructing the Vitruvian Man, Da Vinci meticulously measured, calculated, and tested the proportions of the human body. He created the perfect representation of man that is equally proportionate to the universe.




Leonardo Da Vinci

We have developed a scientific Brand Model® that is continuously tested and measured as we work to connect people to brands. Our goal and focus is growing our clients by capturing market share and increasing mindshare. Just as Da Vinci carefully planned, calculated, and measured every line in his Vitruvian Man, we carefully plan, calculate, and measure every facet of an organization. We employ our business acumen across internal infrastructure, channel deployments, market strategies, and customer experience initiatives. Our proprietary brand science is engineered to be effective and deliver impact across business industries and consumer markets.


Da Vinci utilized data and science to test and measure linework in order to create an outstandingly accurate archetype. By using calculated measurements to wield perfect artistry, his Vitruvian Man signifies a higher comprehension of the human anatomy than others of his day. His mastery is showcased in the craftsmanship of delivering his theory and concept into a tangible visual model. His genius of execution was far superior to common understanding and represents complex subject matter in a simplistic form.




Leonardo Da Vinci

Like Da Vinci, we believe that effective design requires engineering and a precise relationship between aesthetic components, as well as the meaning and purpose represented by those components. Individual elements of a brand model must stand alone yet also support and empower the brand as a whole. We apply this approach throughout every aspect of a brand's architecture in order to clearly define its position and purpose, allowing the brand to align with meaning to its ideal audience.


Humans are visual beings. We’re naturally drawn to that which attracts us visually. As a species, we have evolved to find symmetry appealing in all forms - and in how those forms function - from nature to inanimate objects, to art and human faces. Through Da Vinci’s study of proportions, he executed perfect symmetry in the Vitruvian Man. The use of symmetry and precision is one of the reasons why the Vitruvian Man still appeals to us and piques our interest today.


The Art of Science


Leonardo Da Vinci

We are the experts in the art and science of lifestyle branding. We use our scientific, human-based approach to design brands that align and form bonds with their consumer audiences. Brands should no longer be intangible entities; instead, they should have personality and exist with human-like identities. We develop a guiding value and belief system based on human nature, human behavior, and psychology to create lasting bonds with ideal customers in order to appeal to the human element. Like Da Vinci, we bring our ideas to life with our strategic, scientific method and innovative ways of thinking.

The Science of Artistry

Da Vinci used mathematics and science as tools to engineer art unlike anyone ever before. The combination of science and art in his works, such as his depiction of the Vitruvian Man, allows us to visualize and think about our place in the universe. Understanding the cognitive process, mathematical equations, and symmetry by design gave Da Vinci perspective that he used to emphasize logic and reason; and in doing so, he created form and function portrayed by beauty. He was an influential artist, engineer, inventor, scientist, and creative thinker. He brought ideas to life with his strategic, scientific methods and new way of thinking.


Brand to Human®


Leonardo Da Vinci

We believe that brands should be engineered and identified intrinsically as a microcosm of a human being; representing human attributes, values, beliefs, motivations, emotions, and culture in order to connect with the macrocosm of humanity and the world. The precise way we design brands around human attributes allows us to empower companies to appeal directly to their segmented ideal consumers. We believe every company, in every industry, should engineer its brand around the people who matter, so that the brand revolves around what it means to be human.

Microcosm & Macrocosm

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio is known for his multi-volume work entitled De Architectura, in which he discusses perfect proportion in architecture and the human body. This theory inspired Da Vinci’s vision that man is the microcosm in the macrocosm of Earth. He created the Vitruvian Man to represent our connection to nature, the universe, and the cosmos. The precise way the Vitruvian Man’s feet and raised arms fit in the confines of a square, situated into a sphere signifies man shaping himself so he can find his place in the world and beyond. The soul of Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is the intrinsic connection between humans and the extrinsic universe.

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We are the experts in the




of company branding

We are the experts in the





of company branding

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Through our transformative Brand Model®, we scientifically engineer and design influential, human-centered brand identities for mid-market organizations. We create the bonds between Brand to Human®. Our focus is to grow client revenue by increasing consumer mindshare in order to capture market share.




Today’s consumer has more choices than ever before. To make your brand stand out from the crowd, we design your brand and messaging to reach out and grab their attention. We establish long-term associations in the Visual Cortex with stellar design and purpose-driven messaging so your brand stays top of mind.



Why do humans prefer attractive things? Brain studies have shown that attractive aesthetics can trigger the part of the brain that causes us to act. Beauty literally moves us. Much of this happens subconsciously in the Temporal Lobe, where visual and auditory signals are processed. Based on the science of aesthetics, we apply this information to create unparalleled brand appeal that attracts and captivates your audience.



Did you know that 90% of all purchasing decisions are made subconsciously? The Amygdala, the emotional center of the brain, processes information 5 times faster than the thinking mind. We’re experts at influencing a brand’s perceived value to ensure that subconscious decisions in your favor are a no-brainer.



What stops people from buying? Believe it or not, the biggest deterrent is the Paradox of Choice: the abundance of options. The Frontal Cortex is bombarded with around 10,000 decisions every day, so it’s easy to see how the average customer can be overwhelmed. We solve this problem by using a mechanism called positive framing. This activates the decision-making center of the brain, which helps encourage customers to choose your brand over the competition.



There’s no denying the influence of emotion on our experience with the world around us. The Limbic System has no capacity for language and works entirely through emotion and intuition. This part of the brain focuses less on how things work and more on why. We harness this information to create brands that appeal to the purpose-oriented, emotional mind in order to build lasting, meaningful connections with your ideal customers.

Science guides us. Innovation drives us. Art moves us. Design influences us. Humans inspire us.